Finding Presence in Traffic
My sister helped me delight in this one. And it doesn't always feel like a delight but there are certain moments when the universe conspires to actually kind of make you not hate traffic. Possibly even enjoy it? Especially when alone. Outside the perception of anyone. Which is to say, especially when free to sing as loudly and poorly as one wants. Especially when one cannot with any possibility be anywhere else. Isn't that a kind of meditation?
Don't get me wrong this is not to say that traffic isn't easily in the top 5 worst things man has ever created. But when I'm alone in this 6ft wide capsul of a Honda Accord, with good music, coming from giving my uncle an impromptu haircut that went surprisingly well, I feel here, and it feels good.
Don't get me wrong this is not to say that traffic isn't easily in the top 5 worst things man has ever created. But when I'm alone in this 6ft wide capsul of a Honda Accord, with good music, coming from giving my uncle an impromptu haircut that went surprisingly well, I feel here, and it feels good.